This is the foot of a dead Tui. I found the body of one that had flown into window glass. Maggots did their work and and after a week or so and some superficial cleaning from me, I've got to this stage with the carcass, as shown in the photos below. I've made a black and white version of the top photo just in case something different is revealed.
This is the foot of a dead Tui. I found the body of one that had flown into window glass. Maggots did their work and and after a week or so and some superficial cleaning from me, I've got to this stage with the carcass, as shown in the photos below. I've made a black and white version of the top photo just in case something different is revealed.

I'm reluctant to go any further with cleaning this skeleton because at present I'm enjoying how it is fossil-like, reminiscent of a Pterodactyl. I've been taking it slowly just in case there is an image somewhere in there. Looking at the Tui's legs did encourage me to have another look at some hawk's feet that I have. Here is one of them.