Today I photographed these on a track in Pukekura Park, about 10 minutes walk away. I've probably photographed these exact same roots about five times now. I always stop and look at them when I pass by. If you asked me to explain why I would struggle. I feel that sometimes I photograph something in order to see what it looks like when its been photographed. In this photo's case, it feels a step on from the previous one of which I am glad. Right in the centre there seems to an area that is glowing. i like that part.
The photograph below is about four years old. Even though superficially the subject matter is close to the previous one, they feel different in their concerns, their flavour. A friend told me about how he had seen these particular roots and how he thought I would like them. He was right. They remind me strongly of extreme dentistry of which I've had lots. I liked the image and exhibited it a couple of times.