South Canterbury
As I mentioned in a previous posting my four month residency
in Invercargill has ended and now I am, in stages, driving back to
my house and studio in New Plymouth.
I decided rather than taking the usual route via Dunedin,
and then up the coast to Christchurch, that I would take a more
inland direction, over Lindis Pass, through Twizel. For someone who has spent
most of my life in the North Island, this is startling country.
There is miles of dry brown landscape with barely a speck of green. It's a
long way from the rain forest that I know so well.
I returned to State Highway 1 just north of Timaru and
continued to Christchurch from there.
I haven't managed to take many photos on this journey, just
don't seem to have come across many objects that caught
my eye, and on other occasions, saw something but was too
caught up in traffic to stop, or in too much of a hurry to make the
next destination. Here is one building that I did stop for.