Tuesday, November 20

The Final Tuesday

There are cartons everywhere as I am packing up in preparation for heading north.

I will be in Central Otago, for a couple of days, I've a meeting in Arrowtown, then
I have to go to Christchurch until Monday at which point I continue my journey. Hope to
cross over on the Cook Strait ferry about Tuesday. Have another couple of meetings
in Wanganui, and then, at last I'll be within two hours drive of New Plymouth. I am estimating that I will be back there about Wednesday or Thursday. I'm looking forward to being back at my home for a while. It feels like the end of the year and I'd like to have
a restful time for a while. I'm feeling rather exhausted by the year. It seems to have been a big one, a bit too big for my taste.

It has been a very productive time down here in the South. I think that I have made several
photos that are 'keepers'. Over the next few weeks I'm going to do some printing. While here
I've only made working prints.

It will be quite a moment when, tomorrow, I finally head off. A week on the road on your own is a long trip.